Polka Doodles: A recipe, blog candy and exciting news!

Salve, gente! Eccomi con il DT per Polka Doddles. Prima le grandi notizie: è appena uscito il primo numero di Pen&Paper e il secondo è in preordinazione, potete trovare tutte le informazioni qui.
Domenica 19 Nikky presenterà un nuovo cd su Create and Craft, non perdetevelo!
Infine ultima ma non meno importante, Marianne Designs è diventata nostra sponsor e offrirà un fantastico blogcandy questa settimana!
Il tema proposto da Anne è una ricetta: un'immagine, due carte e tre abbellimenti.
Per la mia card ho usato un'immagine del cd Pretty Tuff, che ho colorato con Kuretake Zig Art&Graphic e Wink of Stella. Anche le carte e il sentiment sono del cd, infine ho aggiunto tre gemme. A presto, M.

Hi, folks! I'm back with my DT for Polka Doddles. First the exciting news:it the first issue of Pen&Paper has just been published and the second is on preorder, you can find more details here.
Sunday 19th Nikky is showcasing a new cd on Create and Craft, don't miss it!
And last but not least, Marianne Designs has become our sponsor and is offering a fab blogcandy this week!
Our host Anne chose a recipe: an image, two papers and three embellishments.
For my card I used an image from cd Pretty Tuff, I coloured it with Kuretake Zig Art&Graphic and Wink of Stella.The papers and the sentiment are from the cd as well, I added three rhinestones. Hugs, M.


  1. oh this is so cute - i love little boy images ad the layout is fab
    Lisa x

  2. Hi Miria,
    Gorgeous card. I love the colour scheme very much. Also great to know that Nikky is going to be on TV again with a new cd rom. I wonder what it is going to be! I am excited already. I definitely do not want to miss it. Thank you for the info!
    Michaela xx

  3. Bella la tua card, il timbro che hai usato mi piace tanto (mio figlio gioca a pallone)

  4. oh totally gorgeous and love the colour choice
    Hugs Kate xx
    ps I have some candy if you are interested :)

  5. lovely card Have a great weekend

  6. E' molto bella.....e questo timbro è veramente delizioso!!!!!!
    Ciao da Na'

  7. oh hun thank you for the lovely comment
    Hugs Kate x

  8. Amazing colouring of the image Miria, he is such a wee cutie. Love the rhinestones, its a real boy card.


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