Cosa c'è nell'uovo di Pasqua? - What is there inside the Easter egg? The mistery unveiled

Ciao, eccomi con la soluzione dell'enigma di Pasqua: mi spiace per le mie care amiche che hanno giocato ma nessuna ha indovinato!Come vedete, non c'erano cioccolatini ma...delle altre uova! Era un uovo Matrioska! Tutte le uova sono colorate con acrilico, decorate a découpage con i tovaglioli, carta di giornale e velina; su quello più grande ho aggiumto nastri,pizzi, bottoni, una tag distressata e un sentiment timbrato. La sorpresa finale è un uovo colorato, decorato con fiori essicati e coperto di velina. Grazie per averci provato, il premio sarà per un prossimo candy. A presto,

Hi, here I am with the solution of the Easter enigma: unfortunately all my lovely friends didn't guess! As you can see, there weren't any chocolates but... some more eggs! It's a matrioska egg lol!
All the eggs are painted with acrylic colour, decorated with paper napkin découpage technique, newspaper and tissue paper; for the biggest one I used also ribbons, lace, buttons, a distressed tag and a stamped sentiment. The final surprise is a coloured egg, decorated with hand dried flowers and tissue paper. Thank you for playing, I'll keep the prize for a next candy. Hugs,
The challenges:
paperplay - Easter time
Kreativen Stempelfreunde - Easter packaging
our vintage affair - Easter decoration
my partner in crafting time - photo inspiration (colours)
secret crafter - pink, cream,brown
wow such a fabulous creation and hand dried flowers, think you were working on this a long time and so beautiful
RispondiEliminaHugs Kate x
Wow its beautiful, much nicer than chocolate lol.
RispondiEliminaCiao miria, pazienza che non ho indovinato ma quest'idea è così bella ed originale che neanche mi era passata per la testa.
RispondiEliminaA presto da Francy
fabulous idea
RispondiEliminaThanks for joining us on our "Pink, Brown & Cream" challenge on SECRET CRAFTER SATURDAY CHALLENGE :)
Hugs Jane x
WOW that is a fabulous idea.
RispondiEliminaMiria - pop over to my Blog as there is an Award for you :-D
forgot to say thank you for sharing your beautiful work with us at Our Vintage Affair and the SCSC
RispondiEliminaHugs Kate xx
These are just beautiful and what a fun surprise!! Thanks for joining us at My Partner In Crafting Crime. Hugs,Shelby
RispondiEliminait´s so nice idea, wonderful craft work,
RispondiEliminathanks for inspire us at the Creativ-Stamp-Friends,
best wishes and good luck, patty
Beautiful work! Thanks so much for playing at My Partner in Crafting Crime! Robin
RispondiEliminaGorgeous !!!!
RispondiEliminaThank you for sharing your work with us at Our Vintage Affair
How beautiful are these eggs !!!! love them. Thank you for creating with us at Our Vintage Affair