My favourite five Christmas cards of 2011!

Ciao a tutti, spero abbiate trascorso un felice Natale!
La cara Debby ci propone anche quest'anno di scegliere le cinque nostre creazioni natalizie preferite e ci offre anche la possibilità di vincere un bellissimo set di timbri LOTV.
Hiya all, hope you had a happy Christmas all of you!
Lovely Debby asks us to choose our favourite five Christmas creations of the year and she gives us the chance to win a gorgeous LOTV set of stamps.
Non è stata una scelta facile, perchè i miei progetti natalizi di quest'anno sono stati davvero tanti, comunque questi sono i miei preferiti, a presto, M.

It wasn't an easy choice as my Christmas projects of this year are so many but anyway these are my faves, back soon, M.


  1. They are all gorgeous. Great picks.
    Michaela xx

  2. A gorgeous selection of your favourites Miria. Hugs, Claire x

  3. Oh these are gorgeous Miria, what fabulous choices.
    Thanks for joining My Favourite Five Christmas Cards this year.

  4. Bellissime tutte e 5 le card!!!! Ne approfitto per farti tanti tanti tanti auguri di Buone Feste!!!!! Un abbraccio Ge

  5. These are all so gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!

    Wishing you a year of health, happiness and creativity! Happy New Year!

    (Stop by my blog for your chance at Whimsy & Stars Studio blog candy!)

  6. All five cards are spectacular Miria! Happy New year to your and yours!


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