Lexis Creations DT card: Ribbon (no bow or knot)!

Buongiorno, amici di blog. Eccomi con la DT card per Lexi's Creations, il tema di questa settimana è "nastro ma niente fiocchi o nodi". L'immagine che ho usato è Ellie blowing bubbles, colorata con matite acquarellabili più glossy accents. Tutti gli altri materiali son delle mie scorte. A domani con Papertake,

Good morning, blogfriends. I'm back with my DT card for Lexi's Creations, this week's theme is "ribbon but not a bow or a knot". The image is Ellie blowing bubbles, coloured with waterpencils and glossy accents. Everything other is from stash. I'll be back tomorrow with Papertake.

With this card I'll also join :
simply create -monochromatic
creatalicious - two tones colour


  1. He is such a cutie Miria, love how you used that gorgeous ribbon. Great gloss on his bubbles too.

  2. love that pink check ribbon and isn't he a cutie
    Hugs Kate xx

  3. Aw Miria this is so cute, love the ribbon hun,hugs Liz xx

  4. Miria this is another adorable card, I just love how you colour your images! Great work with the ribbon!


  5. Aww this is a cutey hunni! Do keep meaning to do something with this image but hey theres alot i keep meaning to do...maybe one day i will lock myself in my craft room and actually get it all done lol :D

    hugs Lexi xxx

  6. This is so cute. Thanks for joining us at Creatalicious.
    Hugs Nadell


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