Mum's b-day

Ciao a tutti! Quella che vedete nella foto è la mia mamma che ha festeggiato il suo 85esimo compleanno il primo novembre: ha in mano il biglietto che vedete nel post precedente ( naturalmente quello colorato!). A prestissimo con un nuovo post ... natalizio!

Hi everybody! The lady in the photo is mum who celebrated 85 last November 1st: she's got in her hands the card you can find in my previous post ( the coloured one of course!). I'll be back very soon with a new ... Christmas post!


  1. Hello Miria. Ahh bless her, 85, she looks so engrossed in your beautiful card, and so she should, its gorgeous, and made with all the love that a Mum deserves. Happy crafting my friend, and give her my love for a belated Birthday wish.
    Lots of love, Sandra xx

  2. Ah Miria, your Mum is just beautiful and certainly doesn't look her age!! She looks totally engrossed in your beautiful card:) Hope she had a wonderful day.

  3. What a lovely lady your mum is! I love her hair!!! You can tell she is just so pleased with her birthday card.

  4. Ciao miria, fai tanti carissimi auguri alla tua mamma (anche se in ritardo).


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